According to psycologists, one must tell his or her beloved “I love you” at least 7 times a day to make him or her feel like in the seventh heaven. This is a small secret of all happy couples that stay under one roof for dozens of years. And a simple cross-stitch pattern SAY SO… will always remember you to say “I love you” and not only on Valentine’s day
Before the Valentine’s Day usually we stop for a minute thinking about our dears and small presents to give them. In this case the Love Is… free cross-stitch pattern will be just the right gift to make the person we love feel our care even if we are not nearby.
Can an image smile when you smile and be sad when you are upset? I’d answer “No”, but Hello Kitty is just the case. Just stop for a minute and look attentively at her when you feel blue and you’ll find out that Kitty is sad too, but when feeling happy she’ll surprise you with a contented look. And accompanied with a great red heart Hello Kitty cross-stitched by your own hands will be an ideal Valentine’s day gift for your dear ones.